الأحد، 14 أبريل 2013

Statue of King Zoser

Statue of King Zoser

The statue of king Zoser (Dshr), which means the sacred one, is made out of painted limestone which was brought from Tura, Ma'sara and Mukkatam hill.

It was found in the funerary complex of the king in Saqqara inside a room called "Serdab".

King Zoser was son of queen "Ny ma't hab" the wife of king "khaskhemwy" the last king of the second dynasty. According to Turin papyrus, He ruled for 19 years but the Egyptian historian "Manethon" said that he ruled for 29 years.

He had two tombs, one is a memorial mastaba at Beit el Khalaf, south of Gerga and the other one is the step pyramid at Saqqara.

His name was inscribed on stela called "famine stela" dates back to the Ptolemaic period and mentions that there were a great famine during the reign of Zoser because the River Nile failed to rise for seven years so zoser asked for the advice from Imhotep who said that king Zoser should gain the favor of Khnum god of the first cataract. Therefore, ZOser went to the first cataract and presented offerings and gifts to the temple of Khnum. As a result, the Nile raised and Egypt was saved.

The statue of Zoser is almost life size statue and it represents the king while being seating on high back throne and wearing the "Heb Sed" garment.

What is "Heb Sed"??
It's an important festival in ancient Egypt, when the king rules for about thirty years; he celebrates the "Heb Sed" to renew his rule for another thirty years.

However some kings used to celebrate these festivals without waiting for thirty years.

The "Heb Sed" garment envelopes the whole body while leaving parts of the hands and legs free. His right arm is on his chest while his left hand is left open over his lab.

The king wears the nms headdress over a heavy wig, which has two straps on the front and a third one on the back and his ears are left exposed.

From the artistic point of view, the heavy hair wig and the beard protected the neck of the statue from being broken.

The king wears a long false beard which is partly broken and has a thin moustache which is unusual feature because kings used to shave their moustache and bead. (As sort of purification)

Looking to the face, the eyes were inlaid but they were fallen and the nose is broken.

We realize that the artist avoided the details of the body and the arms. Also, he didn't succeed in making the correct proportion that the statue has broad shoulder and narrow legs. Beside the fingers are tall and the feet are bigger than the normal size. All of these disadvantages were because the artist wasn't skillful enough and still made his first steps in this art.

On the pedestal of the statue, there are hieroglyphic inscription represented the name of the king.

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