الأحد، 14 أبريل 2013

Htp di.f

Htp di.f

The kneeling statue of htp di.f, a high priest who lived in the time of the first three kings of the second dynasty, considered to be on of the earliest private statues in ancient Egypt.

It is made out of pink granite and was discovered at Memphis (Mit-Rahina nowadays) in 1888.

The statue represents htp di.f in the kneeling position having the prayer attitude that he rests his arms upon his legs, over his head, he is wearing a stepped hair wig and the artist had shown the facial features in good way represented in the full round face , marked eyebrows , wide eyes , high cheekbones, delicate nose and thin mouth. He also wears a short kilt. 

We notice that the statue has short neck and the arms attached to the body. This is to protect the statue from being broken because the neck and the arms considered the weak points of the statue which could be easily damaged.

There are also some disadvantages in the statue represented in: the knees are flat, the details of the body are not clearly shown like the chest and the arms and the proportions of the body are not correct so the head are so big to the size of the body. These disadvantages in the statue is because the artist wasn't skillful enough, having limited experience and was making his first steps in the art of making statues.

On the front of the base, the name and the titles of htp di.f are inscribed in raised relief and also the name of his father is written. Looking to the back of the statue, on the right shoulder, there are three " srkh" which is the façade of the royal palace surmounted by the falcon god Horus, inside each one inscribed the names of the first three kings of the second dynasty: "htp skhemwy" (the two powers are in peace), "Ra nb" (the lord of Re) and " Ny ntr" (who belongs to the god)

Some scholars believed that the statue was made for htp di.f in the end of the third dynasty not the second dynasty when he lived depended on: the style of the kneeling position and technique of inscription with raised relief on the frontal base appeared towards the end of the third dynasty and the is a statue in Berlin museum, which dates back to the end of the third dynasty and it resembles the style of the statue of htp di.f.

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